Varyer is a platform for discovery.
Utilized as a playground of experiments for our creative studio, it serves the greater purpose of keeping ourselves inspired in the pursuit of inspiring others and building new connections. We're always looking to bring new voices in, and love it when people introduce themselves with an idea that may have a home on Varyer.
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How to Pitch:
Direct pitches to
Begin email subject line with “PITCH:” to ensure it’s not lost in our inbox.
Introduce yourself: tell us who you are and what you do.
Let us know what you’d like to contribute. It can be a kernel of an idea or an already-developed draft—we love to collaborate, and would be eager to work together on developing your concept.
For editorial pieces, our rate is $0.50/word; generally in the range of 500-1,000 words.
For photography-driven visual pieces, our rate is $300.
Our rates can be flexible, particularly for concepts that transcend typical mediums and parameters like word count.
What to Pitch:
Some questions that will help guide you to topics that might be a good fit for us:
What can you write about that no one else could?
What are you most uniquely passionate or excited about?
Do you have an idea so hard to categorize that you haven't been able to find a home for it?
Do you make something that you could see being sold in our shop?
We love hard-to-categorize content, but if you’d like to know some categories we look for:
- Opinion pieces
- Reviews
- Audio (custom mixes or exclusive audio premieres)
- Conversations or interviews
- “Taste” pieces (food/drink, travel, nature, or recipes)
- Personal essays
- Playful, personal “How Tos”
- Poetry
- Short stories
- Photo essays
- Item collaborations
We are particularly interested in concepts that span multiple mediums: for example, a poem that coincides with the release of a collaborative shop item, or a playlist and personal essay inspired by your favorite food.
Editorial pieces need not be academic in tone (and are sometimes better when fully off-the-dome), but we welcome side notes and references.
For some examples of contributed pieces we love, check out Life on Other Worlds, Juice Wars, the What is the Best column, Transhumance, and (for a more visual–driven piece) The Kids are Alright.
More Information:
V—Mail, our weekly newsletter